Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan 16/2 (AntaranewsKalsel) - The South Kalimantan Health Agency programmed One House One Jumantik (mosquito larvae controller) to be aware of dengue fever or DBD.
Acting head of the agency HM Muslims here on Thursday said the program is expected to monitor the presence of larvae of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes which carry dengue virus.
"So DBD vigilance is done in every family, no careless, because it can threaten the family and people close to them," said Muslim.
He Hoped the program would be effective to reduce the number of dengue victims.
Earlier, the Governor of South Kalimantan H Sahbirin Noor made a circular to district and city governments to be alert and cope with DBD.
"Our region will face transition season, dengue disease will arise," he said.
Usually, Muslim said, the transition to the dry rainy season caused many victims of DBD, as in 2016 occurred as many as 3,350 cases in South Kalimantan. A total of 22 people, mostly children, died in the period from January to April 2016.
With early prevention, it is expected that dengue cases which have been found as many as 29 in 2017 does not increase.
Editor : Mahdani
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