Director of Ulin Banjarmasin Regional General Hospital Diauddin ​​​​​​​here on Wednesday said that his party is ready to implement the Standard Inpatient Class (KRIS) based on the indicators set by the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

Diauddin was speaking after receiving Health Ministry's survey team regarding assistance in implementing KRIS at the South Kalimantan Provincial Government owned-hospital.

"It was a monitoring, and at the same time Ulin Hospital is consulting the Health Ministry so that KRIS can be implemented," he said, Wednesday (Oct 9, 2024).

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He expounded that KRIS has 12 standard criteria for inpatient services in hospitals, including building quality with low porosity, air ventilation, adequate room lighting, completeness of bedding, density of treatment room, and bed quality.

Then, the segregation of treatment rooms according to gender, age and infection, room temperature, health attendant per bed, partitions between beds, indoor bathroom and standard accessibility bathrooms, as well as oxygen outlet.

Diauddin said that Ulin Hospital has no significant obstacles to these 12 indicators, including reducing beds, because there are no more inter-patient classes.

Diauddin hopes that assistance from the Health Ministry' team to provide input after direct visit to the field, so that Ulin Hospital can maximize services when KRIS implementation runs.

"Because hospital is one of the spearhead of services for the community, especially BPJS (Kesehatan) users," said Diauddin.

Read also: Ulin parters Harapan Kita Hospital to handle heart patients


Pewarta: Imam Hanafi

Editor : Mahdani

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