The South Hulu Sungai (HSS) District Government won Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) award for the highest score of the 2024 Integrity Assessment Survey (SPI) of 81,14 for regional government in South Kalimantan. 

HSS's Regional Assistant for Government and People's Welfare Zulkifli received the award from KPK representative at the South Kalimantan Corruption Eradication and Public Service Coordination Meeting in Banjarmasin, Thursday (June 27, 2024).

"We hope this award to be an effective first step, improving the integrity and quality of public services," said Zulkifi represented acting Regent of HSS Hermansyah.

Read also: HSS govt receives Ministry of Tourism's KEN award

He expounded that corruption eradication and public services will run optimally and postively impact the community if all elements have strong commitment.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of KPK Alexander Marwata delivered remarks and direction, then the discussion led by Head of the KPK Regional III Directorate of Coordination and Supervision Task Force Marulitua.

The discussion presented three speakers, Yonanes Widiyantoro (a member of Indonesian Ombudsman), Muhammad Imanuddin (main policy analyst Deputy for Public Service at the Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Ministry), and Brig. Gen. Pol. Adhy Satya Perkasa (Head Secretariat of Saber Pungli or eradication of illegal levies Task Force).

KPK also gave appreciation to regions in South Kalimantan which had shown good performance in the prevention of crimal acts of corruption.

KPK provided two main award categories, 2023 MCP and SPI, and also the Category of Rescuing Regional Finance.

The coordination meeting was closed with a joint commitment to continue and strengthen effort to prevent and eradicate corruption in South Kalimantan Province.

The event was also attended by Governor Sahbirin Noor, KPK, Ombusman RI, Deputy for Public Service of PANRB Ministry, representative of South Kalimantan Provincial Government, and offials from all regions in South Kalimantan.

Read also: Winning 12 gold medals, HSS overall champion of Pesoda SOina


Pewarta: Fathurrahman

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024