The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) has awarded 81 companies in South Kalimantan the national and regional level Proper award.

Head of South Kalimantan Environment Agency (DLH) Hanifah Dwi Nirwana said here on Friday that the 81 companies consisted of state-owned enterprises (BUMN), regional-owned enterprises (BUMD), and private companies that were assessed during the period of July 2022-June 2023.

DLH's data shows that Proper participants, both national and regional, continue to increase. 94 companies recorded in 2021-2022 period, 99 in 2022-2023, and 127 companies in 2023-2024.

This shows that more and more companies or business actors realizing the importance of playing role in environmental management.

Dwi Nirwana expounded that KLHK organizes national Proper with an evaluation team from South Kalimantan DLH, while the regional Proper is held by the DLH.

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She said one of 81 companies receveied the national level Gold Proper, PT Adaro Indonesia, through its leading program "Menanti Laburan Tourism Park" with the concept of "Ecosport Edutainment".

Some 13 companies were awarded Green Proper operate in oil and gas distribution, oil and gas EP, mining, and cement. They highlighted programs in social innovation, emission reduction, energy efficiency, biodiversity protection, and community empowerment.

Gold and Green Proper, she said, indicate the company's leading performance in environmental management, becomes an inspiration and motivation for other companies in management and compliance with environmental regulation (beyond compliance).

A total of 56 other companies who received Blue Proper were from the sectors of sea transportation service, coal mining and stockpile, power generation, industry, rubber, rubber processing, oil and gas distribution, plantation and palm oil factory.

The blue predicate indicates that the company has fulfilled the criteria for controlling water pollution, air pollution, land damage, and B3 (hazardous and toxic materials) waste management.

However, eight companies obtained Red Proper, for the reason of not able to fulfilling the required technical provisions, including recap of laboratory Test Results Sheets (LHU) several months during the assessment, did not meet the peat ecosystem criteria and had stopped operating.

"DLH followed-up by providing them guidance together with the district toward fulfilling the criteria," said Dwi Nirwana.

In the 2022-2023 assessment, the Ministry also suspended three companies, because they were still in process of guidance and monitoring through law enforcement activities.

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Pewarta: Latif Thohir

Editor : Mahdani

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