Regent of Kotabaru, South Kalimantan, Sayed Jafar distributed social assistance to residents in Sengayam Village, Pamukan Barat Sub-district, in his Ramadan Safari 1445 Hijriah.

"The distribution of social assistance is also to strengthen a good relation with Sengayam community," said Sayed Jafar in a press statement here on Sunday.

The Regent said that Ramadan Safari is a form of silaturahmi or a good relation with religious figures and the community who live in Pamukan Barat, with the hope that their meeting would receive blessing from Allah Subhanahu WaTaala.

"This is the first Ramadan Safari in 2024 in Pamukan Barat," he said.

On that occasion, the Regent alloted assistance in fisheries in the form of equipment for freshwater fish cultivation to Pokdakan Maju Bersama in Mayang Sari village worth Rp48,000,000.

Religious grant assistance to Maulid Habsy Az zahra Mayang Sari Rp50,000,000, Maulid Habsy Al Barokah Sengayam Rp50,000,000, Majelis Ta'lim At Taqwa Mayang Sari Rp150,000,000, Fajrul Islam Al Anshor Mosque Sengayam Rp500,000,000, and rehabilitation of Batuah Village church Rp50,000,000.

Read also: Kotabaru farmers joyfully welcome harvest season
Read also: KPPN expedites cash assistance distribution in Kotabaru


Pewarta: Ahmad Nurahsin Q

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024