The Environment and Forestry Ministry and the Faculty of Forestry at Hasanuddin University, Makassar, discussed implementation of the Forestry and Other Land Use (FoLU Net Sink 2030) policy in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Director General of Forestry Planning and Environmental Management at the Environment and Forestry Ministry Dr Ir Ruandha Agung Soegardiman remarked that climate change was one of the threats that should elicit everyone's attention.
Soegardiman highlighted the need for a strong foundation on environmental and climate protection.
"Everyone, across generations, across disciplines, and across sectors should collectively participate in thinking about innovation and solutions in all aspects of life," he noted.
"Climate change is caused by global warming that has an impact on many things, so mitigation and adaptation are needed," Soegadirman noted in a public lecture themed, "Policy and Implementation of Indonesia's Forestry and Other Land Uses FoLU Net Sink 2030 for NDC Achievement" at Hasanuddin University.
Rector of Hasanuddin University, Prof. Dr Jamaluddin Jompa MSc, lauded the ministry's efforts in addressing the issue of climate change, one of which was by pursuing strategic measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Prof. Jompa said Hasanuddin University was also fully committed to supporting the initiative. This was shown through self-declaration as a campus that aimed to be a "Carbon Neutral Campus."
“We start slowly by doing small things as a first step. There is no choice, we have seen and felt the impact of climate change on life in many sectors. Therefore, actual action is needed in presenting solutions to climate change through various scientific aspects," he explained.
On the occasion, the university also received a microlight trike aircraft grant. The device is useful in supporting forest and environmental management activities, such as forest security, air patrols, and monitoring and controlling forest areas and the environment.
Microlight trikes can also be used in monitoring hotspots, preventing and controlling forest fires, mapping bounds, determining forest areas to be used in rapid response to natural disasters, seed planting, and pest and disease control.
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Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2022