The export value of swallow's nest from cultivation in South Kalimantan has reached Rp5.19 billion within the period of January to early June 2022.
"The total weight of exported swallow's nest was 321 kg," said Head of Banjarmasin Agricultural Quarantine Agency Drh Nur Hartanto here on Wednesday.
Referring IQFAST data, the province has recorded a significant increase in swallow's nest export this year compared to the same period last year, which was ony 11 kg worth Rp181 million.
Hartanto said the agency continues to provide its support to exporters, both through technical guidance and convenience in handling the quarantine documents.
According to him, sinergy and collaboration are very important to encourage export to increase. As it has been well established among the Banjarmasin Agricultural Quarantine Agency, the regional government, Bea Customs and Excise, Angkasa Pura, Garuda Indonesia, and other parties who play role to support.
"Most recenly, we have facilitated the export of 50 kg swallow's nest for Hongkong belonging to PT AGA worth Rp787.5 million," he said.
Hartanto said that his agency keeps providing guidance, monitoring, and evaluation so that the quality of swallow's nest is suitable and safe for consumption and meets the requirements of export of destination countries.
Read also: South Kalimantan's export, import raise in April 2022
Read also: Trade Minister revokes ban on CPO exports
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2022
"The total weight of exported swallow's nest was 321 kg," said Head of Banjarmasin Agricultural Quarantine Agency Drh Nur Hartanto here on Wednesday.
Referring IQFAST data, the province has recorded a significant increase in swallow's nest export this year compared to the same period last year, which was ony 11 kg worth Rp181 million.
Hartanto said the agency continues to provide its support to exporters, both through technical guidance and convenience in handling the quarantine documents.
According to him, sinergy and collaboration are very important to encourage export to increase. As it has been well established among the Banjarmasin Agricultural Quarantine Agency, the regional government, Bea Customs and Excise, Angkasa Pura, Garuda Indonesia, and other parties who play role to support.
"Most recenly, we have facilitated the export of 50 kg swallow's nest for Hongkong belonging to PT AGA worth Rp787.5 million," he said.
Hartanto said that his agency keeps providing guidance, monitoring, and evaluation so that the quality of swallow's nest is suitable and safe for consumption and meets the requirements of export of destination countries.
Read also: South Kalimantan's export, import raise in April 2022
Read also: Trade Minister revokes ban on CPO exports
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2022