Martapura, South Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - Martapura named as one of the cities in Indonesia awarded with Wahana Tata Nugraha (WTN) 2015 in Traffic catagory from the Minister of Transport Ignatius Jonan.
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2015
Head of the Banjar Transportation, Communication and Information Agency H. Aidil Basith said Martapura was awarded due to its performance in organizing the urban transport system has a good indicator.
Basith explained President Joko Widodo on Wednesday, December 23, 2015 presented the award to the Acting Regent of Banjar H Rachmadi Kurdi in the Presidential Palace in Jakarta.
Acting Regent expressed appreciation given because Banjar regency is considered to have a good performance in conducting urban transport system so as to create traffic and transport system of the city orderly, smooth, safe, secure, efficient, sustainable and ensure equity rights of road users.
"The WTN Cup Category Traffic is once again a good news for the Banjar district government in closing the full year of hard work and achievements in 2015," said Rachmadi Kurdi.
He also expressed thanks and appreciation to all levels of society, clerics, legislators, private sector, employees, NGOs, community organizations, media, provincial governments, vertical institutions and banks in synergy cooperation to give a strong impetus to the progress of development in the district of Banjar,
"Thank God the image of Banjar District increasingly raised at the central level. This is all thanks to the dedication of the community and the entire apparatus of government, through the hard work of all parties, the development programs that we conducted could run well," said Rachmadi Kurdi.
Basith explained President Joko Widodo on Wednesday, December 23, 2015 presented the award to the Acting Regent of Banjar H Rachmadi Kurdi in the Presidential Palace in Jakarta.
Acting Regent expressed appreciation given because Banjar regency is considered to have a good performance in conducting urban transport system so as to create traffic and transport system of the city orderly, smooth, safe, secure, efficient, sustainable and ensure equity rights of road users.
"The WTN Cup Category Traffic is once again a good news for the Banjar district government in closing the full year of hard work and achievements in 2015," said Rachmadi Kurdi.
He also expressed thanks and appreciation to all levels of society, clerics, legislators, private sector, employees, NGOs, community organizations, media, provincial governments, vertical institutions and banks in synergy cooperation to give a strong impetus to the progress of development in the district of Banjar,
"Thank God the image of Banjar District increasingly raised at the central level. This is all thanks to the dedication of the community and the entire apparatus of government, through the hard work of all parties, the development programs that we conducted could run well," said Rachmadi Kurdi.
Editor : Imam Hanafi
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2015