Israeli security forces move to confront Palestinian demonstrators in the yard of Al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday. ANTARA PHOTO/REUTERS/Ammar Awad/aww/cfo

The Indonesian Muslim Preachers Association (IKADI) has strongly denounced Israeli forces' raid on Al-Aqsa Mosque which left more than 150 Palestinians injured and hundreds of others detained following Friday prayers.

"(We) strongly denounce the raid by Israeli colonial forces on Aqsa Mosque, which is the holy site and the first qibla for Muslims," Chief of IKADI Central Executive Board Ahmad Kusyairi Suhail said in a written statement released in Jakarta on Sunday.

IKADI also urged the Israeli Zionist authority to stop any form of raid on Muslim holy sites, particularly Al-Aqsa Mosque and ensure that similar incident will not recur.

"The Israeli Zionist authority must put an end to any form of violence, oppression, and massacre targeting Palestinian people, ensure and protect their rights to perform religious services and practice civil rights and open their access to outside world to directly monitor their condition," he said.

IKADI also urged the Indonesian government to take firm stand and concrete step to protect Al-Aqsa Mosque as well as to stop humanitarian tragedy in Palestine through the United Nations (UN), the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and other international organizations.

He added that IKADI also asked the government to keep encouraging the creation of independent and sovereign Palestinian state, and stop the Israeli colonization of Palestine.

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Reporter: Zubi Mahrofi, Suharto
Editor: Sri Haryati

Pewarta: Zubi Mahrofi, Suharto

Editor : Mahdani

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