The Bangka Belitung Islands administration has planned to adopt measures taken by the Surabaya city government, East Java, in addressing the issue of coastal flooding in the province.
"We, along with the regional leaders' forum, have observed the implementation of measures at Kenjeran Beach in Surabaya to prevent coastal flooding," Governor Erzaldi Rosman Djohan noted in Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung, on Saturday.
The provincial government has decided to emulate Surabaya in terms of its efforts to handle issues related to coastal flooding after receiving suggestions from Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini, who earlier served as the Surabaya mayor, he remarked.
"During her working visit to West Bangka, Central Bangka, and Pangkalpinang, Rismaharini suggested the provincial government to study and emulate coastal flooding control measures taken by the Surabaya government," the governor remarked.
Djohan opined that reclaiming lands with rock and sand to deter coastal flooding, as earlier done by the Surabaya city government, will concurrently provide new lands that can be developed as public spaces and parks.
During her visit, the minister encouraged the province's officials to take a cue from Surabaya after finding out that the local authority still employed the method of piling stones on the seashore as wave breakers to prevent coastal flooding, he stated.
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"The minister commented that piles of stones will only break the wave but will not bring more benefits to the residents," the governor noted.
Djohan expressed gratitude for the opportunity to gain an understanding of the measures adopted by the Surabaya government to address issues of coastal flooding faced by both regions.
The minister is also determined to seek support from regional stakeholders to develop a new approach in coastal flooding control ahead of the coastal high tide forecast in May that might be causal to flooding in the Bangka Belitung coast.
"God willing, we will implement the new approach soon. We will also invite companies to perform their CSR obligation by supporting the development, as handling this issue is not only the government's responsibility but also that of the local stakeholders and private enterprises," Djohan affirmed.
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Editor : Mahdani
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