Chief Village of Bukit Mulia, Kintap Sub-district, Tanah Laut District, Suparno said he was proud that the South Kalimantan Community and Village Empowerment Agency (DPMD) has awarded the Berkah Mulia village-owned enterprise (BUMDes) as the best.

The struggle of the management of the BUMDes, which beginning its business in 2017, he said, has finally yielded maximum results.

“What the BUMDes Berkah Mulia achieve today is the hard work of all parties who provide continuous support, thus the BUMDes from Bukit Mulia Village is able to develop,” said Suparno, as reported on Sunday.

Suparno hopes the BUMDes to continue to innovate, keeps maintaining its business so that community can enjoy the results and the resident's economy also continue to improve. 

BUMDes Berkah Mulia is engaged in the business of construction, livestock, agriculture, catering, accommodation services, payment agent, clean water service. 

“It cannot be separated from the role of mentoring and synergy partners of PT Arutmin Site Kintap,” he said.

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Meanwhile, Head of South Kalimantan Community and Village Empowerment Agency Zulkifli said the expo was aimed at opening up insights and attracting investors, as well as expanding the marketplace of BUMDes. 

In addition to the expo, he said, awarding was held to motivate BUMDes players to continue to actively run their business with better performance. 

Six BumDes received awards in the 2021 Expo, he said, they were Berkah Mulia, Pesona Rejo Jaya, Maju Jaya, Usaha Kreatif Mandiri, Karya Indah, and Maju Bersama. 

The first best award was handed over by acting Chairwoman of South Kalimantan TP-PKK Safriati Safrizal accompanied by South Kalimantan Provincial Secretary Roy Rizali Anwar.

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Pewarta: Arianto

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021