Assistance for flood victims in Satui Sub-district, Tanah Bumbu District, South Kalimantan province, has continued to flow until now.

"Flood in Satui Sub-district that swamped six villages have aroused the empathy of many circles, the assistance to victims continues to arrive," said Satui Sub-district Head Abdul Rahim in Batulicin, Monday.

Assistance among others came from the H. Maming Foundation, PT BUMA, BRI, Bagana South Kalimantan Province, DPRD Tanah Bumbu, Tanah Bumbu government, Tanah Bumbu Police, and community self-help from several districts in South Kalimantan.

The assistance was in the form of basic food, medicines, clothes, blankets, and other necessities needed by the victims after the flood.

"We together with stakeholders continue to carry out post-flood handling, including by recording dan distributing aid to victims, and providing information regarding the relocation plan," he said.

Rahim expressed his gratitude to donors who have helped relieve the residents in Satui who have been affected by the flood since May 12, 2021.

"Alhamdulillah all residents have returned to their homes to clean up, because the flood has receded," he said.

Related news: Joint SAR team distributes food to Satui flood area
Related news: Hundreds of Satui farmers threatened with crop failure

Meanwhile, the Head of Tanah Bumbu Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) Eryanto Rais said that the flood in Sinar Bulan Village occurs almost every year. 

The Tanah Bumbu government plans to relocate the residents of Sinar Bulan, who took refuge during the annual flood in their village.

"Yesterday Regent dr Zairullah Azhar went directly to the field to talk with refugees. The point is they are ready to be relocated," he said.


Pewarta: Sujud Mariono

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021