South Kalimantan Provincial Police Collaborates with the Indonesian Palm Oil Producers Association (GAPKI) and PT Telkom Indonesia to optimally prevent forest and land fires, one of which by using Fires Control Analysis System digital app (Asap Digital).
"This app is directly connected to National Police Headquarters, so prevention and control of fires this year prioritizes IT with the support of various sectors, including GAPKI and Telkom. South Kalimantan Police itself has a Combat Forest and Land Fires (Bekantan) app," said South Kalimantan Police Chief Insp. Gen. Rikwanto here on Tuesday.
Dry season is expected to start in June, but early in advance South Kalimantan Police, on the instruction of National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, finalize preparations in an effort to prevent forest and land fires.
Plantation companies, both the right to cultivate (HGU) holder or borrow and use areas, said Rikwanto, are expected to be proactive in fire prevention efforts. Many hotspots so far were appeared in the oil palm plantation areas.
"We see that GAPKI's commitment is good. Each company has a fire fighting fleet and builds monitoring towers in a serious effort to deal with the potential of fires. Even if a hotspot found, they can extinguish themselves," he said.
Meanwhile, Telkom will contribute to helping install CCTVs in forest and land fires vulnerable points. In addition to Asap Digital, the Lancang Kuning Nusantara app also support the put-out effort. When a hotspot detected by Asap Digital, the Lancang Kuning troop moves to extinguish it.
Head of GAPKI South Kalimantan Eddy Sapta Binti said 52 companies of GAPKI's members with plantation areas of 270 thousand hectares are committed to preventing and tackling forest and land fires.
"We are committed to zero burning and sustainable palm oil plantation," he said.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021
"This app is directly connected to National Police Headquarters, so prevention and control of fires this year prioritizes IT with the support of various sectors, including GAPKI and Telkom. South Kalimantan Police itself has a Combat Forest and Land Fires (Bekantan) app," said South Kalimantan Police Chief Insp. Gen. Rikwanto here on Tuesday.
Dry season is expected to start in June, but early in advance South Kalimantan Police, on the instruction of National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, finalize preparations in an effort to prevent forest and land fires.
Plantation companies, both the right to cultivate (HGU) holder or borrow and use areas, said Rikwanto, are expected to be proactive in fire prevention efforts. Many hotspots so far were appeared in the oil palm plantation areas.
"We see that GAPKI's commitment is good. Each company has a fire fighting fleet and builds monitoring towers in a serious effort to deal with the potential of fires. Even if a hotspot found, they can extinguish themselves," he said.
Meanwhile, Telkom will contribute to helping install CCTVs in forest and land fires vulnerable points. In addition to Asap Digital, the Lancang Kuning Nusantara app also support the put-out effort. When a hotspot detected by Asap Digital, the Lancang Kuning troop moves to extinguish it.
Head of GAPKI South Kalimantan Eddy Sapta Binti said 52 companies of GAPKI's members with plantation areas of 270 thousand hectares are committed to preventing and tackling forest and land fires.
"We are committed to zero burning and sustainable palm oil plantation," he said.
Read also: S Kalimantan Police mobilizes 1,483 personnel to hinder mudik
Read also: South Kalimantan targets vaccination for elderly to complete in June
Read also: South Kalimantan destroys 7,026 archives
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021