Amuntai, South Kalimantan, 23/10 (Antara) - A number of villages in North Hulu Sungai or HSU in South Kalimantan now isolated due to drought.

A doctor from the local Health Agency, doctor Farida, in Amuntai on Thursday, said the river is the only public transportation infrastructure began to recede and dry up, while the road is not yet available.

Some isolated villages are Telaga Mas and Longkong in Danau Panggang Subdistrict.

Health Agency received a report that there are people in the Longkong village terminally ill and a woman in labor who will be referred to the health centers and hospitals. They both have to be carried on stretchers from the village to the nearest highway.

From the highway, the patient can be transported by car to get to the subdistrict capital.

Information from the Danau Panggang health center told, a hypertensive patient had to be stretchered by some residents and relatives from the Longkong village to be brought to the health center.

Knowing this phenomenon not much that can be done by the health center unless to provide ambulances to bring patients referred to the clinic or to the hospital in the city of Amuntai.

Currently, said Faridah, only Burung village that already have Village Health Center or Puskesdes, while the other two villages namely Longkong and Telaga Mas do not have it yet.

Pewarta: Ulul Maskuriah

Editor : Asmuni Kadri

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