The six provinces of Aceh, Bengkulu, Riau, West Sulawesi, Gorontalo, and East Nusa Tenggara did not record any addition of COVID-19 cases, Achmad Yurianto, the government’s spokesperson for COVID-19 Handling, noted on Friday afternoon.

Furthermore, the government’s data showed that 19 provinces recorded less than 10 new COVID-19 cases a day.

While delivering a press statement broadcast via the BNPB YouTube account in Jakarta, Yurianto remarked that East Java had witnessed the highest number of new COVID-19 cases, at 141; followed by 76 new cases in DKI Jakarta; 71 in South Kalimantan; 58 in Central Java; and 54 in South Sulawesi.

Yurianto noted that the cumulative figure of COVID-19 patients across Indonesia rose by 703 to reach 29,521, while the number of patients that recovered increased by 551 to touch 9,443.

The highest number of COVID-19 recoveries were recorded in DKI Jakarta, reaching 144; followed by 118 in East Java; 45 each in Banten and West Java; and 21 in West Sumatra.

According to the government data, the number of patients dying from the new type of coronavirus infection (SARS-CoV-2) rose by 49 to reach 1,770.

"People still under monitoring reached 49,320, while 13,592 patients are under supervision," Yurianto remarked.

The spokesperson further highlighted that until Friday, at 12:00 West Indonesia Time, overall, 380,973 specimens from 256,810 people were examined, and results came positive for COVID-19 for 29,521 persons, while 227,289 individuals tested negative for the virus.

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Reporter: Dewanto S, Azis Kurmala
Editor: Sri Haryati

Pewarta: Dewanto S, Azis Kurmala

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020