The government has taken all requisite measures to ensure that all doubts lingering over Indonesians in China's Hubei Province having contracted the coronavirus infection are laid to rest before being evacuated and returned back home.
"I have been in communication since last night and continually receive updates on the condition of our friends there. They are healthy and delighted to be returning home," Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi stated in Jakarta, Saturday.
Prior to their evacuation, the 245 Indonesians located in several areas in Hubei as well as five advance team members will undergo a series of health examinations to ensure they are healthy and did not contract the coronavirus.
He affirmed that health protocols will continue to be enforced since the situation is not an abnormal one.
"This discipline is imposed, including at the time of arrival and thereafter. The health protocol also applies strictly to the crew and aircraft following their arrival," she explained.
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In the meantime, Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto pointed to the application of a transit observation procedure in line with the protocol of the World Health Organization (WHO).
"The transit observation protocol will observe those who are healthy rather than those who have been affected," he noted, adding that the ministry will continue to supervise the process.
Some 245 Indonesians, along with five members of the advance team, will soon be taken home owing to the coronavirus outbreak.
Marsudi expounded that Indonesian representatives, located at different areas across Hubei Province, had moved towards Wuhan City. They moved from Enshi City, which is 542 kilometers (km) from Wuhan Airport, and Jingzhou, which is 222 km. Some were also located in Huangshi, at a distance of 100 km from Wuhan Airport, Xianning, at a distance of 98 km, and five points within Wuhan City.
Indonesian citizens will be evacuated aboard an Airbus A330 charter aircraft, with a passenger capacity of up to 392, owned by Batik Air airline.
Related news: Indonesian government discusses options related to evacuation
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Editor : Mahdani
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