Chairwoman of the Central Hulu Sungai's Family Welfare Movement (PKK HST) Hj Ernawati Chairansyah reminded posyandus (integrated health services posts) to play their role in repressing stunting until there will be no more stunting child in the district.
"Hopefully the posyandu to apply (the direction) of the contents (until) no more child in the HST District suffer stunting," she said as she handed over supplementary feeding (PMT) books to mothers at the Abung Surapati Village Hall in Limpasu Sub-district, Thursday (Jan 23, 2020).
Posyandu is a community-based preventative and promotive care of health at the village level. It is a monthly clinic for children and pregnant women, providing vaccinations and nutritional supplements.
Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem caused by lacking of nutritional intake or incompatible with the needs for a long time. It starts from the womb and only seen when a child is two years old.
Ernawati added, in the implementation of posyandu, the community health center of the district (puskesmas kabupaten) and community health center of the sub-district (puskesmas Kecamatan) must collaborate.
"Through this posyandu we will create a generation of healthy children," she pointed out.
Read also: HST to receives an injection fund of IDR190 billion in 2020
She appreciated the puskesmas kabupaten HST for being included in the top 3 nominations in the nutrition innovation competition.
Based on the results of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2018 there was a decrease in the prevalence of stunting at the national level over a 5-year period, from 37.2 percent (2013) to 30.8 percent (2018).
Whereas in Kalimantan, stunting dropped from 44.20 percent in 2013 to 33.08 percent in 2018 or decreased 11.12 percent in a period of 5 years.
Data from the World Health Organization (WHO), said stunting is estimated to affect 21.9% of 149 million children under five in the world. And more than 50 percent of toddlers in Asia suffer from stunting.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020
"Hopefully the posyandu to apply (the direction) of the contents (until) no more child in the HST District suffer stunting," she said as she handed over supplementary feeding (PMT) books to mothers at the Abung Surapati Village Hall in Limpasu Sub-district, Thursday (Jan 23, 2020).
Posyandu is a community-based preventative and promotive care of health at the village level. It is a monthly clinic for children and pregnant women, providing vaccinations and nutritional supplements.
Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem caused by lacking of nutritional intake or incompatible with the needs for a long time. It starts from the womb and only seen when a child is two years old.
Ernawati added, in the implementation of posyandu, the community health center of the district (puskesmas kabupaten) and community health center of the sub-district (puskesmas Kecamatan) must collaborate.
"Through this posyandu we will create a generation of healthy children," she pointed out.
Read also: HST to receives an injection fund of IDR190 billion in 2020
She appreciated the puskesmas kabupaten HST for being included in the top 3 nominations in the nutrition innovation competition.
Based on the results of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2018 there was a decrease in the prevalence of stunting at the national level over a 5-year period, from 37.2 percent (2013) to 30.8 percent (2018).
Whereas in Kalimantan, stunting dropped from 44.20 percent in 2013 to 33.08 percent in 2018 or decreased 11.12 percent in a period of 5 years.
Data from the World Health Organization (WHO), said stunting is estimated to affect 21.9% of 149 million children under five in the world. And more than 50 percent of toddlers in Asia suffer from stunting.
Read also: Barabai Expo 2019 encourages SMEs to be innovative
Read also: HST wins Top 30 in managing public service complaints
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020