Regent of South Hulu Sungai (HSS) H Achmad Fikry launched Whistle Blowing System (WBS) in the District Hospital of Brigjend H. Hasan Basry, Kandangan.
He said, to go to an integration zone and corruption free area there are stages, one of which isthe Whistle Blowing System (WBS).
"We urge all state civil apparatus not to corrupt with it various derivatives, one of which is extortion (pungli), gratification," he said in his remarks, Tuesday (Dec 10, 2019).
He explained that it is a shared spirit carried by the Kandangan Hospital to realize a government that is free from corruption, clean, and serves.
"This is important, including in the the District Hospital of Brigjend H. Hasan Basry, Kandangan, that we are not only preventing gratification and extortion, we also apply SOP service in the hospital," he pointed out.
The regent hoped not only a number of regional apparatus organization (OPD) implement integration zone, but all of them. Till the time come for the district government of HSS to be free from corruption.
Director of Kandangan Hospital Hj Rasyidah stated the launching of WBS was a step in implementing integrition zone. The hospital has even made it commitment since last August.
"This is a form of our seriousness in addressing the integrity zone by conducting WBS. This is a system of public complaints abbout gratification," she said.
Through this system special email will enter to be opened by only special person. All complaints enter the system. The hospital management will then respond them well and with direction, not like a wild ball being spread everywhere.
To the public who want to complaint about the hospital services or encounter gratification can report via the web link http:
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019
He said, to go to an integration zone and corruption free area there are stages, one of which isthe Whistle Blowing System (WBS).
"We urge all state civil apparatus not to corrupt with it various derivatives, one of which is extortion (pungli), gratification," he said in his remarks, Tuesday (Dec 10, 2019).
He explained that it is a shared spirit carried by the Kandangan Hospital to realize a government that is free from corruption, clean, and serves.
"This is important, including in the the District Hospital of Brigjend H. Hasan Basry, Kandangan, that we are not only preventing gratification and extortion, we also apply SOP service in the hospital," he pointed out.
The regent hoped not only a number of regional apparatus organization (OPD) implement integration zone, but all of them. Till the time come for the district government of HSS to be free from corruption.
Director of Kandangan Hospital Hj Rasyidah stated the launching of WBS was a step in implementing integrition zone. The hospital has even made it commitment since last August.
"This is a form of our seriousness in addressing the integrity zone by conducting WBS. This is a system of public complaints abbout gratification," she said.
Through this system special email will enter to be opened by only special person. All complaints enter the system. The hospital management will then respond them well and with direction, not like a wild ball being spread everywhere.
To the public who want to complaint about the hospital services or encounter gratification can report via the web link http:
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019