The District Government of Kotabaru held a thanksgiving ceremony to mark the inauguratin of Pulau Laut Sigam Sub-district partition from the parent area of Pulau Laut Utara Sub-district, Monday (No 25, 2019).
Thanksgiving at the Mount Mamake tourist attraction was attended by Kotabaru Regent H Sayed Jafar, District Secretary H Said Akhmad, some legislators, heads of agencies, Head of Pulau Laut Utara Sub-District, and all chief of villages from the two sub-districts.
The thanksgiving had actually a specific agenda of farewell ceremony between chiefs of villages of Pulau Laut Utara and chiefs of villages of Pulau Laut Sigam.
The regent remarked that the establishment of Pulau Laut Sigam sub-district was as an effort to make public service easier for the public.
"Insya Allah (God Willing) in December 2019 it will be determined and at the same time will be inaugurated the first sub-district head of Pulau Laut Sigam to carry out official duties," he pointed out.
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Pulau Laut Sigam, with this establishment, has an area of eight villages and 3 urban villages, while Pulau Laut Utara covers 9 villages and 1 urban village.
Separately, the Speaker of Kotabaru Legislative Council (DPRD) Syairi Mukhlis acknowledged he strongly support the concrete steps of the local government as a follow up of the partition of Pulau Laut Utara Sub-district.
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"Pulau Laut Utara is recognized to be quite dense in line with the population growth and development, thus it is time for the partition in relation to maximizing services to the people," Syairi said.
The PDIP politician also said the launching of preparation of construction of offices in an area of 4.5 hectare by the regent as a right step for the the quick realization of Pulau Laut Sigam sub-district.
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019
Thanksgiving at the Mount Mamake tourist attraction was attended by Kotabaru Regent H Sayed Jafar, District Secretary H Said Akhmad, some legislators, heads of agencies, Head of Pulau Laut Utara Sub-District, and all chief of villages from the two sub-districts.
The thanksgiving had actually a specific agenda of farewell ceremony between chiefs of villages of Pulau Laut Utara and chiefs of villages of Pulau Laut Sigam.
The regent remarked that the establishment of Pulau Laut Sigam sub-district was as an effort to make public service easier for the public.
"Insya Allah (God Willing) in December 2019 it will be determined and at the same time will be inaugurated the first sub-district head of Pulau Laut Sigam to carry out official duties," he pointed out.
Read also: Governor and Police Chief review scene of fire disaster in Sebuku Island, Kotabaru
Read also: Kotabaru Military deploys personnel to help fire victims in Sebuku
Pulau Laut Sigam, with this establishment, has an area of eight villages and 3 urban villages, while Pulau Laut Utara covers 9 villages and 1 urban village.
Separately, the Speaker of Kotabaru Legislative Council (DPRD) Syairi Mukhlis acknowledged he strongly support the concrete steps of the local government as a follow up of the partition of Pulau Laut Utara Sub-district.
Read also: Kotabaru wins the second best no smoking area
"Pulau Laut Utara is recognized to be quite dense in line with the population growth and development, thus it is time for the partition in relation to maximizing services to the people," Syairi said.
The PDIP politician also said the launching of preparation of construction of offices in an area of 4.5 hectare by the regent as a right step for the the quick realization of Pulau Laut Sigam sub-district.
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019