Deputy Regent of Tanah Laut Abdi Rahman stated that he really wanted the poverty alleviation to be accelerated immediately.
"I want National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) assisted by the Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM)'s Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) to eradicate poverty in this region," he remarked in the exposes preliminary report on Tanah Laut 2019-2023 regional poverty reduction strategy (SPKD) document here Thursday (Sept 26).
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According to him, government need a valid data at the village level to eradicate poverty. "We have to have a valid proverty data varified by the sub-district and have our own way of validating data," he insisted.
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He said the database owned by the Tanah Laut District Government on poverty figures will facilitate it in eradicating poverty. "Our goal to have the database is all poor residents are recorded and those who are recorded are really poor. While the current data many who truly poor were not getting help, instead unpoor people get help," he pointed out.
The expose was attended by academics from the ULM'S LPPM, TNP2K, all Sub-Districts head and related regional work unit (SKPD).
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019
"I want National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) assisted by the Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM)'s Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) to eradicate poverty in this region," he remarked in the exposes preliminary report on Tanah Laut 2019-2023 regional poverty reduction strategy (SPKD) document here Thursday (Sept 26).
Read also: Tanah Laut launches UBOLT app
Read also: Tanah Laut Polytechnic graduates 229 students
According to him, government need a valid data at the village level to eradicate poverty. "We have to have a valid proverty data varified by the sub-district and have our own way of validating data," he insisted.
Read also: Tanah Laut wins WTN award from Ministry of Transportation
He said the database owned by the Tanah Laut District Government on poverty figures will facilitate it in eradicating poverty. "Our goal to have the database is all poor residents are recorded and those who are recorded are really poor. While the current data many who truly poor were not getting help, instead unpoor people get help," he pointed out.
The expose was attended by academics from the ULM'S LPPM, TNP2K, all Sub-Districts head and related regional work unit (SKPD).
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019