Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Head of Class IIA Karang Intan Drug Penitentiary in Banjar District Wahyu Susetyo received the Human Rights-based Public Service (P2HAM) award from Minister of Law and Human Rights Yassona H Laoly.
The award certificate was handed over through the Head of South Kalimantan Office of Ministry of Law and Human Rights Tejo Harwanto during the commemoration of the 73rd World Human Rights here on Friday.
“Alhamdulillah this achievement is an appreciation for the efforts and hard work we have done so far,” said Wahyu.
Public service, he said, should pay attention to justice and be friendly to people with special needs, such as persons with disabilities as one of the vulnerable groups, in addition to the elderly, women, and children.
Support facilities in Karang Intan Narcotics Penitentiary have been P2HAM-based, including special parking lots, handrails, disabled lanes, wheelchair facilities, and so on.
The award, according to Wahyu, is an encouragement to continue to provide the best for all users of public service, that is oriented to the needs and satisfaction of the service recipients.
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