Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The University of Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) is determined to open campus this year for face-to-face lectures.
"Next semester, starting from 2021-2022 academic year, we will hold face-to-face lectures by applying strict health protocols," said ULM Rector Prof. Dr. Sutarto Hadi here on Thursday.
He assured that ULM is ready with all standards of health protocols required to face-to-face lectures, so there will be no doubt that the campus to fully opened.
The students will be divided, so the classroom is not full. There are body temperature checks, handwashing facilities, and an obligatory to wear a mask.
According to Sutarto, the teaching and learning process can be combined face-to-face and online. This concept is known as hybrid learning.
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To support opening the campus, Sutarto hoped all lecturers have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Currently, about 30 percent of 1,200 lecturers at ULM had been inoculated.
"Indeed, it is our priority for professors and lecturers aged over 50 to get the vaccine. But, with the opening of the campus, we hope all of them are vaccinated," he explained.
Sutarto acknowledged that the decision to open face-to-face lectures was based on the recent situation of COVID-19 cases in the region which were relatively declining and under control.
"In principle, the ministry fully welcomes the campus opening policy to the respective universities. If they are ready and not in the red zone, they are welcome to do face-to-face learning," he said.
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