Enchanting natural potential and a variety of Dayak Deah cultures owned by Liyu Village, Halong Subdistrict, Balangan, are the capital for village development to become a tourist area.

Liyu Village has a panorama of caves, the charm of waterfalls, and the river as a vehicle for rafting. This potential motivates its citizens to make this village a tourist area.
The wishes of the Liyu Village residents were supported by the Adaro Bangun Negeri Foundation. Since 2012 this village has entered a social and cultural development program or Turn on Culture program.

"The Liyu Village development program as a tourist area continues, both in the form of assistance and empowerment activities for community groups," explained YABN Operation Section Head Deri Anggraeni.

Empowerment of village groups and communities as well as capacity building of officers and groups in Liyu Village was discussed in Focus Group Discussion (FGD).
YABN was empowering village structuring to become a beautiful village. Self-help residents beautify the village by planting orchids and making bamboo fences with colorful paint.
"We also facilitate meetings with stakeholders regarding community-based total sanitation," explained Bambang Sudaryanto, a staff member of the YABN Culture Program.

YABN also provides assistance to the sasirangan group of natural dyes so that the quality of handicrafts can be better, while paying attention to environmental sustainability,

Pewarta: Mahdani

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019