Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (Antaranews Kalsel) - Management of the MUI of Serdang Bedagai (Sergai), North Sumatra, and the MUI of Banjarmasin exchanged opinions on the building of umat.

"We need to exchange ideas and opinions with the MUI Banjarmasin," said the Head of the MUI Sergai's Legal Affairs H Ibrahim Chalil before returning to Medan, North Sumatra, Saturday morning.

The reason continued the member of the Sergai DPRD from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), there was something interesting from Urang Banjar South Kalimantan in the past (since the time of the Deli Sultanate), which should be a joint learning.

"Speaking of old people, during the Deli Sultanate and the Banjar Kingdom in the past there was a kind of understanding in fostering umat," he added.

"In between the agreements, the Banjar please work on the agricultural land in 'Tanah Deli, but also help foster the religion of the local people," he continued.

Therefore, before migrating, especially to Tanah Deli, urang Banjar (Banjarese) in the past provided himself with the science of religion, such as good at reading AlQur`an, for living in other countries.

One of the Banjar figure who had helped foster Muslims in Tanah Deli and married by the Sultan of Deli in the 1930s, H Muhammad Basyiri Al Banjari who was buried in a Muslim cemetery behind the Titipapan Medan Mosque.

The visit of the MUI Sergai group, also its board of zakat (Baznas), is for a comparative study of zakat management in Banjarmasin. There were 14 people led by the Chairperson of the MUI Sergai KH Lukman Yahya who is also the Chair of the Baznas. Sergei is an expansion of Deli Serdang District.

Pewarta: Sukarli

Editor : Mahdani

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