Kotabaru Regent H Muhammad Rusli signed Internal Audit Charter on governance in Kotabaru District, Monday. 

Inspector of Kotabaru H Fitriadi said the charter in general contains commitment to give a direct and unlimited access to the Regional Inspectorate in term of approval to carry out audit in the internal of the Kotabaru District Government.

"The charter is a basis, guideline and limitation of authority and responsibility and scope of supervision distributed by the Regent of Kotabaru to Inspectorate," he said here, Monday.

The function of supervision is actually with the Regent who is authorized to conduct guiding and supervision and in its implementation delegated to the Inspectorate through Deputy Regent of Kotabaru.

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Internal Audit Charter defines authority, responsibility, and scope of supervision, including the role of APIP (Government Internal Control Apparatus in doing supervision to each regional work unit (SKPD), each village government, including region-owned enterprises (BUMD).

He added that the internal supervisory apparatus is also given the authority to cooperate with Law Enforcement Apparatus (APH) within its scope of authority related to supervision.

In addition, the Inspectorate's function is to provide guidance and supervision to create good governance. 

"The Regent during the coffee morning also conveyed his commitment to provide freedom to the Government Internal Control Apparatus (APIP), namely Inspectorate, to conduct guidance and supervision to create a clean, transparent and accountable government administration, free from corruption, collusion, and nepotism," he said.

Read also: Kotabaru Regent urges flower bouquets to be replaced with productive plants


Pewarta: Ahmad Nurahsin Q

Editor : Mahdani

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