Regent of Kotabaru, South Kalimantan, H Sayed Jafar, has received an award from tvOne, a national television networks, for a Public Service Innovation in Tourism. 

Head of Kotabaru Tourism, Youth and Sports Office (Disparpora) Sonny Tua Halomoan expressed his gratitude to tvOne for choosing Kotabaru as one of the recipient of Inovasi Membangun Negeri (Innovation to Build the Country) 2024 awards.

"Regent H Sayed Jafar presents this award to all residents of Kotabaru who had supported and played active role in the progress of tourism development in the district," said Sony here on Friday (September 20, 2024).

In recent years, Kotabaru have been actively developing tourism sector.

Related news: Kotabaru will be leading tourist spot near IKN Nusantara: minister
Related news: Sayed Jafar boosts Kotabaru's regional revenue through tourism

During the leadership of Sayed Jafar and Andi Rudi Latif, tourism in Kotabaru grew rapidly. Many tourism destination have been built and have an impact on increasing locally generated revenue (PAD).

During 10 years of leading Kotabaru, Sayed Jafar had received many awards and appreciation from various parties, both regional and national level.

The government of Kotabaru was assessed to have high concern for tourism sector, which eventually attract domestic and foreign tourists.
This award is a form of recognition to the success pf Regent Sayed Jafar in boosting PAD in tourism, building facilities and various infrastructure.

A number of regions in Indonesia who also received the Inovasi Membangun Negeri 2024 awards including Konawe Utara for the category of Public Service Innovation in Education and Agriculture,  Jayapura in the category of Public Service Innovation in Education and Tourism. 

Also PT HM Sampoerna Tbk in the category of CSR Innovation for Sustainable MSME Resource Development.

Read also: Kotabaru Regent wins Regional Leadership Award 2024
Read also: Kotabaru hosts South Kalimantan Tourism Meeting


Pewarta: Ahmad Nurahsin Q

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024