The government's program of revitalizing traditional markets has been able to help improve the welfare of traders in the markets, according to main expert staff of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Agung Krisdiyanto.
"Revitalization keeps the distribution chain intact and helps increase the turnover of traders," Krisdiyanto said in a press statement on Sunday, after visiting Sirnagalih market in Tanggamus, Lampung.
Sirnagalih market was one of the 227 markets that were in the list of the government's traditional market revitalization program in 2021, he said.
During he 2015-2019 period, the government had revitalized more than 5,000 traditional markets across the country. From 2020 to 2021, a total of 227 more traditional markets were revitalized.
"The revitalization does not only concern physical aspect, but also its management. How to create a people's market with modern management. (And the markets) become cleaner, healthier, safer, fresher, and more comfortable," he said.
He remarked that the market revitalization program is one of President Joko Widodo's Nawacita or nine priority programs, and is stipulated in Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning trading.
Sirnagalih market now has kiosks and stalls that accommodate 147 traders, compared to 90 traders before it was revitalized, he noted.
"The President is very committed to the utilization of the markets which have been revitalized. It is hoped that the traditional markets will be able to compete with shopping centers or modern shops," he said.
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Editor : Mahdani
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