UMM students with portable hand wash they made in Sungai Raya Selatan Village, Sungai Raya Subdistrict, HSS. (Antarakalsel/Fathur/HO)
Community Service by Students (PMM) of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) in Sungai Raya Selatan Village, Sungai Raya Sub-district, South Hulu Sungai (HSS), made portable hand washing facilities and paper soap.
Their coordinator Ihya Hairi in Sungai Raya on Sunday (August 23, 2020) said, to adapt to a new normal people must get used to implementing health protocol.
"Wearing a mask, using face shield, keep a physical distance, these habits must be raised from each individual. So, we appeal people to the use of masks also to maintain cleanliness, diligently wash hands," he said.
In order to invite people to get used to the new habits, he said, they gave examples and provided supporting facilities, by making hand washing facilities and paper soap.
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Hand wash facilities were made using simple materials easy to find in the village, namely bamboo and used buckets. The youth organization Karang Taruna of the Sungai Raya Selatan Village helped them in the process of making hand washing facilities.
"We also make paper soap from hvs paper and liquid soap. The process is quite easy by coating paper with soap and drying it, then cut the paper into small pieces and the paper soap is ready to use," he said.
The washing hand facilities together with paper soap were then placed at the village post office, the village office, and the Mosque of Al-Ahdal.
The UMM students who carried out their community service in Sungai Raya Selatan Village consisted of Elsa Alpina Maulida, Ihya Hairi, Muhammad Ro’isul Wathan, and Noor Thoyibah Aprilliana under the guidance of Ganjar Adhywirawan Sutarjo.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020
Community Service by Students (PMM) of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) in Sungai Raya Selatan Village, Sungai Raya Sub-district, South Hulu Sungai (HSS), made portable hand washing facilities and paper soap.
Their coordinator Ihya Hairi in Sungai Raya on Sunday (August 23, 2020) said, to adapt to a new normal people must get used to implementing health protocol.
"Wearing a mask, using face shield, keep a physical distance, these habits must be raised from each individual. So, we appeal people to the use of masks also to maintain cleanliness, diligently wash hands," he said.
In order to invite people to get used to the new habits, he said, they gave examples and provided supporting facilities, by making hand washing facilities and paper soap.
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Hand wash facilities were made using simple materials easy to find in the village, namely bamboo and used buckets. The youth organization Karang Taruna of the Sungai Raya Selatan Village helped them in the process of making hand washing facilities.
"We also make paper soap from hvs paper and liquid soap. The process is quite easy by coating paper with soap and drying it, then cut the paper into small pieces and the paper soap is ready to use," he said.
The washing hand facilities together with paper soap were then placed at the village post office, the village office, and the Mosque of Al-Ahdal.
The UMM students who carried out their community service in Sungai Raya Selatan Village consisted of Elsa Alpina Maulida, Ihya Hairi, Muhammad Ro’isul Wathan, and Noor Thoyibah Aprilliana under the guidance of Ganjar Adhywirawan Sutarjo.
Read also: ULM enters 2nd cluster of Indonesia's best universities
Read also: Banjarmasin Naval Base hand out 3.000 masks to riverbank residents
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020