South Kalimantan Provincial Police (Polda) have distributed as many as 70 tons of rice as aid from the National Police Chief (Kapolri) General Police Idham Azis to underprivileged communities affected by the COVID-19.

"This is the first stage of assistance that we distribute. Polda 5 tons and 5 tons rice each for 13 districts and city police (Polres)," said South Kalimantan Provincial Police Chief Ins.Gen. Nico Afinta in Banjarmasin, Wednesday.

Actually, he said, the assistance from Kapolri was in the form of money. Then Polda in cooperation with the State Logistics Agency (Bulog) replaces it with rice.

"In total 155 tons of rice have been prepared. 25 tons will be handed over by Polda and 10 tons each by Polres. We will distribute in stages for three months," explained the two-star police general.

The police chief hoped, the economy that hit the people due to the impact of COVID-19 can be a little helped by the rice assistance.

Especially the National Police Chief Idham Azis plans to distribute another aid in the form of rice to all Polda to be distributed to the community.

"So now the money turned into rice, the next from the Kapolri will directly in the form of rice with almost the same amount," he said.

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Meanwhile, the police chief reminded about the importance of raising public awareness to continue to comply with the health protocol to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Like wearing a mask, keeping a distance, and diligently washing hands, and always obey the implementation of Large Scale Social Restriction (PSBB).

When seeing off the distribution of assistance at the provincial police headquarters, Police Chief and Deputy Police Chief Brig.Gen. Aneka Pristafuddin directly checked the rice wrapped in 1.000 sacks.

Bhabinkamtibmas and Samapta Directorate brought with them 600 sacks using 50 motorcycles, the Water and Air Police Directorate distributed 300 sacks to community along the river, while Logistics Bureau personnel spread around Kelayan Urban Villages, South Banjarmasin with 100 sacks.
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Pewarta: Firman

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020