The Tanah Bumbu Regional Board of National Islamic School Punggawa (PMNI) held a digital-based library management training.

"The aim is to improve library services in madrasah in Tanah Bumbu to be better," said Tanah Bumbu PMNI board member H Kamaruddin in Batulicin Monday.

The activity, he said, also becomes a means to strengthen good relationship as well as to carry out the program had been planned.

With this program, PMNI also wanted to support and participated in the development program of the Tanah Bumbu District Government in the religious field.

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Meanwhile, Head of Madrasah Education at the Tanah Bumbu Office of Religious Affairs Ministry (Kemenag) H Mahmud S acknowledged that library facilities in madrasah schools are still minimal.

"We admit that library facilities in madrasahs in Tanah Bumbu are very minimal," he said.

Mahmud gave the example that book shelves are still limited. To budget it, the Tanah Bumbu office must coordinate with Ministry of Religious Affairs. 

But, in this case, the ministry can only propose and cannot execute the budget.

"Alhamdulillah, we should be grateful that in the last two to three years the local government had been quite helpful in helping develop facilities in madrasah until tens of billions," said Mahmud.

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Pewarta: Sujud Mariono

Editor : Mahdani

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