Acting Director General for Higher Education, Research, and Technology at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Culture, Nizam, has asked universities to join efforts to prevent drug abuse.
"Drug abuse is very dangerous for the sustainability of higher education, especially for students as the country's future generation," he noted in a written statement released on Monday.
"Universities play an important role in monitoring and preventing drug abuse," he added.
The ministry, along with the Anti Drug Abuse University Volunteers Alliance (Artipena), has continued to carry out communication, dissemination, and education in universities concerning the effort to prevent drug abuse, he informed.
"Together, let us continue to realize a campus free from drugs, a campus free from violence, and a campus clean from drugs," he remarked.
"Hopefully, with this, we can realize a golden generation for golden Indonesia that we sought for together," he added.
Meanwhile, Artipena DPP head Sutarto Hadi stressed that the alliance is strongly committed to eradicating drug abuse in the campus environment.
To this end, as a form of commitment, he emphasized the importance of taking care of ourselves, our families, and the people near us so that they do not fall prey to drug abuse.
Moreover, the alliance is seeking to invite the leadership of every university in Indonesia, including the ones that have been inaugurated and those that are soon to be inaugurated, to make a commitment to preventing drug abuse.
The commitment is being sought to prepare human resources that have potential, qualifications, and strong character, considering that Indonesia will reach the demographic bonus in 2030.
With the inauguration of the new central executive board, Artipena expects the alliance to continue its commitment and become the ministry's partner in realizing a golden generation free from drugs.
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