Banjarmasin Mayor Ibnu Sina together with Head of Education Agency Totok Agus launched my planting school program at the state junior high school SMPN 11, South Banjarmasin, Saturday.
Ibnu Sina said that the launching of an environmentally friendly school was aimed that schools in the city will become schools that do gardening and growing crops.
School students are expected to be smarter, especially in the environmental field. "They will be the golden generation in environmental conservation in the future," he remarked.
It is not only students who need to learn about the environment, but the teachers as well.
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The program will continue to be carried out in every school. This activity will be supported by environmentalist community, Forum Komunitas Hijau (Green Community Forum) Banjarmasin, and Perkumpulan Hijau Daun (Green Leaf Association).
At least 35 schools will run the school planting program. These schools have names from the names of plants.
Mayor was also accompanied by several figures of the environmentalist community, Mohammad Ary, Akhmad Arifin, and Uncle Anum when planting trees at the location.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021
Ibnu Sina said that the launching of an environmentally friendly school was aimed that schools in the city will become schools that do gardening and growing crops.
School students are expected to be smarter, especially in the environmental field. "They will be the golden generation in environmental conservation in the future," he remarked.
It is not only students who need to learn about the environment, but the teachers as well.
Related news: Banjarmasin launches climate village
The program will continue to be carried out in every school. This activity will be supported by environmentalist community, Forum Komunitas Hijau (Green Community Forum) Banjarmasin, and Perkumpulan Hijau Daun (Green Leaf Association).
At least 35 schools will run the school planting program. These schools have names from the names of plants.
Mayor was also accompanied by several figures of the environmentalist community, Mohammad Ary, Akhmad Arifin, and Uncle Anum when planting trees at the location.
Read also: Banjarmasin builds hundreds of toilets in riverside villages
Read also: Walhi, UNDP clean after-flood debris in South Kalimantan's HST
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021