Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - The South Kalimantan National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) builds a specialized clinic for drug addicts.

"For a drug addict please come to the clinic if he has intention to escape from the bondage of drugs," said Chief BNNP Kombes Richard in Banjarmasin, Friday.

He said the clinic is complimentary to the drug addicts of any kind, such as crystal methamphetamine, ineks, heroin, marijuana and drug abuse are rampant now as the zenith.

The clinic is one of the BNN program to rehabilitate patients for drug addicts as much as a hundred thousand per year. South Kalimantan BNNP targets as many as 867 to be rehabilitated in 2015. From April to June it had 87 people rehabilitated.

"With our newly clinic opened in the office of BNNP that later can help people who want to recover from drug addiction," said the man who recently served as head of the BNNP.

In addition to rehabilitation programs, BNNP Kalsel have other programs that need to be resolved such as the prevention and arrest of traffickers and drug dealers in the region.

Pewarta: Gunawan Wibisono

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2015