PT Pelindo III Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, handed over a digital library to a state elementary school SDN Pasar Lama I to improve the school library facilities and students' literacy skills.
The CEO of Pelindo III Region Kalimantan Fariz Hariyoso here on Monday said that the assistance of a unit of digital library worth IDR80 million was a form of the corporate social responsibility to improve human resources in the region.
"We submit this digital library assistance as an effort to improve the quality of education since elementary school," he said.
In addition to a digital library, Pelindo III handed over a reading corner with 400 books, a tree wall magazine, and others.
The administrative staff of Balai Pustaka R Bambang Widyaseno said the digital library has no less than a thousand contents, from textbooks, fairy tales, traveling, and various general knowledge readings.
It has many advantages, among others, children can read through gadgets, without being busy carrying books. They can read books for free without an internet quota.
Bambang believes digital libraries will be able to increase students' reading interest. Besides, it provides educational information and entertainment through current technological developments.
Digital library is also a medium for distance learning and rises accreditation for schools.
"This assistance is very beneficial for the development of our school," said Head Master of SDN Pasar Lama 1 Sakerani.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021
The CEO of Pelindo III Region Kalimantan Fariz Hariyoso here on Monday said that the assistance of a unit of digital library worth IDR80 million was a form of the corporate social responsibility to improve human resources in the region.
"We submit this digital library assistance as an effort to improve the quality of education since elementary school," he said.
In addition to a digital library, Pelindo III handed over a reading corner with 400 books, a tree wall magazine, and others.
The administrative staff of Balai Pustaka R Bambang Widyaseno said the digital library has no less than a thousand contents, from textbooks, fairy tales, traveling, and various general knowledge readings.
It has many advantages, among others, children can read through gadgets, without being busy carrying books. They can read books for free without an internet quota.
Bambang believes digital libraries will be able to increase students' reading interest. Besides, it provides educational information and entertainment through current technological developments.
Digital library is also a medium for distance learning and rises accreditation for schools.
"This assistance is very beneficial for the development of our school," said Head Master of SDN Pasar Lama 1 Sakerani.
Read also: South Kalimantan exports agricultural commodities worth IDR868.8 billion
Read also: TPI builds TPA, helps children to learn Quran
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Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021