By Hasan Zainuddin
Banjarmasin, 20/6 (Antaranews South Kalimantan) - Financial Statements of Regional Water Company (PDAM) Bandarmasih, Banjarmasin, for the year 2012 declared as a company with a good and he (althy. It earned WTP
(reasonable without exception) or the best predicate.
"The WTP predicate, we've achieved with seriousness in managing financial transparency, according to the rules that have been determined to manage a local company owned by Banjarmasin City Government," President Director of PDAM Bandarmasih Ir HM Muslih told reporters here on Thursday.
Muslih said that the PDAM's financial statements improving from year to year is audited by Public Accountant (KAP), which is based on the system SAK-ETAP or "standards of financial accounting entities without public accountability".
He explained that through the financial balance sheet of 2012, PDAM also managed to collect less net profit increased by approximately 400 million, which can be seen in a comparison of balance sheets from 2011 to 2012. "The year 2011 profit of about Rp5,5 billion and in 2012 Rp5, 9 billion, meaning that its profit increased by approximately Rp400 million and is expected to increase even more next year," he explained.
In addition, in 2012 it has also been reported that the percentage of water loss decreased from 1.5 percent or the percentage of water loss was reduced to 26 percent.
Editor : Mahdani
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