Regent Banjar Khalilurrahman and Deputy Regent Saidi Mansyur went for a safari Ramadhan to Cintapuri Village in Cintapuri Darussalam Sub-district with elements of the district leader communication forums (Forkopimda).

The Ramadhan Safari which was centered at Darul Muttaqien Mosque in Cintapuri Village on Friday was attended by a number of officials from the government agencies and received a warm welcome from the local community.

"The purpose of the Ramadhan safari is to strengthen the relationship between the Banjar District Government and the community, especially in Cintapuri Village. Let's maintain unity and unitary," said the regent.

The regent and deputy regent and chairman of the DPRD Banjar Rusli handed over assistance for the Darul Muttaqien Mosque in the amount of Rp25 million and the sarong also provided food packages from the National Zakat Agency (Baznas).

The religious lecture delivered by Ustadz H. Kasfuddin was closed by breaking the fast together as well as the Maghrib prayer in congregation which was joined by hundreds of worshipers.

Safari Ramadhan was attended by the 1006 Martapura Military Commander Lieutenant Colonel Arm Siswo Budiarto, Chair of the TP PKK Banjar Raudhatul Wardiyah, Deputy Chair of TP PKK Nur Gita Tyas, Acting Secretary of Banjar and other officials.

Pewarta: Yose Rizal

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019